i am now in berrien springs,
michigan, in my cousin Cliff's apartment, 2 min away from school. man, yesterday was quite the trip. from 10am pacific time (ontario airport) when i checked in, until 8.20pm chicago time, picking up my luggage from the 'going around and around belt'. so that's around 10hours 20min of air travel plus boarding time. but it didn't end there because it's another 3 hour bus drive from chicago to my school in michigan. oh and another 20 min from the bus stop to my cousin's apartment. hehhe.
but as i had a lot of time thinking on the bus, cruisin' out of chicago with its semi-humid/post -rain summer night weather, i compared my trip to what it would have been like back in the day. to travel from california to michigan would have taken people weeks and weeks with a horse carriage. and there i was complaining about the bumpy flight. =T
it was around 1.30 am, after i washed my face and brushed my teeth =), that i was able to put my head on a pillow in my cousin's living room. the sliding door that showed the back of the apartment (corn field) was open, and i could breath-in the humid but cool air (does that make sense? lol). it was a nice feeling. all summer long i don't think i experienced a single rain in california. as i was falling asleep i remembered this one simple but profound phrase that i came across a while back: "as cool/refreshing as the other side of a pillow." so that instant i decided to test this and ahh sure enough... lol. in the comfort of that same pillow, as i looked back onto my travel that day, i knew God was watching over me. i didn't mention this earlier, but it was a very windy touchdown at midway chicago, nothing that i have ever experienced before. there happened to be a tornado warning in the area that day. but here i was tucked in a light blanket in a cozy living room, taking life for granted.
this morning as i was picking a name for this blog, i remembered one of my favorite hymns "Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing". in the second verse it goes:
Here I raise my Ebenezer
Hither by Thy help i've come
"Samuel took a large stone and placed it between the towns of Mizpah and Jeshanah. He named it Ebenezer --"the stone of help"--for he said, "Up to this point the Lord has helped us!" 1 Samuel 7:12
maybe as i continue this blog i can reflect more on how God has led me through in the past, to live for Him today, and to not forget his promises for the future. "...For what is your life? It is even a vapour, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away." James 4:17
Yay you got a blog you got a blog! Great first post =). Michigan sounds very..Smallville-esque..with the corn fields haha. I was just reading John and something about a stone jumped up at me..thought it was kinda funny how Jesus chose to rename Simon a stone/rock.
ReplyDeleteCould you POSsibly be referring to me in the first line!? Ah what an honor^_^ I thought my blog was a brain dumpster at best..