Most of my professors at school always start the class with a short devotional thought and a short prayer. This morning Dr. Kilsby shared this with the class. I really liked it so during brake I asked for a copy so I could share with you. :)
If I could have one wish...
By Marion Runge
If I could have one wish, only a temporary one--
I would turn those who mistreat animals into one. Let them feel the blow of a shoe, be thrown against a wall; let them be half-frozen, half-starved, half dead. Let them be trapped by a foot in the scorching sun or freezing rain. Let them be jabbed by a stick, hit with rocks, swung by the tail. Let them be cornered, chased, frightened, bruised, and left bleeding by horrendous torture.
Then when they return to humans again they will be more tender and kind.
If I could have another wish, only a temporary one--
I would make all egoists into frightened, stuttering "wallflowers". Let them be timid and afraid to brag. Let them be pushed out of grocery lines and shoved off bus seats. Let them miss out on the last item on the bargain table because they were pushed aside. Let them have fear to speak up and lose out on a job promotion because of someone who is not afraid to assert himself. Let them listen, let them wait, let them learn.
Then when they return to their normal self they will be more humble.
If I could have another wish, only a temporary one--
I would wish all skinny people to grow fat, uncomfortably so, gaining day after day, fighting back the tears as the pounds count up. Let them diet on "rabbit food," low carbs, banana-milk, egg-grapefruit, or liquid diets. Let them leave the table with stomachs growling, while others eat chocolate pie. Let them feel the hurt of mockery, snide remarks, "fat" jokes, laughter, and ridicule. Let them feel depressed as they struggle to lose one pound and gain two the next day. Let them feel hopeless, helpless, unloved, and unwanted as they go through life.
When they return to their normal self they will be more sensitive to those who cry inside.
If I could have another wish, only a temporary one--
I would wish a "fruit-basket upset" of skin color and nationalities. Let those who poke fun at ethnics feel the hurt of Polish jokes, black jokes, Whitey jibes , slanty-eye stories, and jokes about Jews. Let them be outcasts because they are different.
Then when they return to their original color and nationality they will express only kindness.
If I could have another wish, only a temporary one--
I would wish all beautiful people to turn ugly. Let them cry as they look in a mirror and see freak marks of sin, ugly burns, moles, and disfigurement. Let people stare and snicker at them. Let them be left out of circles of friends, unwanted by the opposite sex. Let them feel loneliness.
Then when they are beautiful again they will be less vain.
If I could have another wish, only a temporary one--
I would wish all rich people to become poor. Let their stomachs cry out with hunger pangs. Let them pray for a crust of bread. Let their toes be numb from icy, torn shoes. Let their children be ridiculed for tattered clothes. Let rats nibble on their babies' fingers and toes. Let them feel unloved and desperate.
Then when they are rich again they will be more sensitve to the needs of others.
If I could have another wish, only a temporary one--
I would turn the clock ahead for young people and make them old. Let them hobble because of stiff joints, let them walk a little slower and eat a little longer. Let them be lonely and shut in from the world, especially on holidays. Let them have only memories, but no love. Let them be frightened by young prowlers, beaten by young thieves.
Then when they are young again, they will be more considerate of senior citizens.
If I could have another wish, a permanent one--
I would wish that everyone would follow the second great commandment, loving his neighbor as himself, with compassion and sensitivity. Then there would be no hurts or tears, no loneliness or fear.
This last wish will come true! Jesus is coming soon.
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