I have set the 'home page' of my chrome browser to Bing.com. When my friend stayed over a couple of weekends ago and saw Bing popped up, he was shocked. "Andrey, you use Binggggg?" He said, as his eyes grew larger in awe. My friend was a Mac enthusiast and would prefer to have nothing to do with Windows if he could so help. hehhe.
The reason is simple actually. I really like Bing's startup page that shows unique pictures from different parts of the world. It changes every single day. The photo geek in me could not resist (But i still rely on google for my search purposes. :)

As much as a my friend was amazed of Bing, there's yet another kind of 'maize' I'd like to bring up to mind... it's found in the gospel of John (but it's actually a wheat plant not corn :)
"Verily, verily, I say unto you, Except a corn of wheat fall into the ground and die, it abideth alone: but if it die, it bringeth forth much fruit.
He that loveth his life shall lose it; and he that hateth his life in this world shall keep it unto life eternal."
John 12:24,25
'Hateth life in this world?' Some strong words. It could not possibly mean its literal means. Or could it? Yesterday my friend shared with me, when he was selling religious books two summers ago to raise money for the following semester, whenever they were dropped off in a rich neighborhood, it was very unlike that they'd make much sales. It was more likely for them to go to neighborhoods where the people were 'poorer' than these wealthy people that the colporteurs would sell their books on health and the gospel. I never knew that before. I would have thought the other way around.
Do you love your life in this world?
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