So last Sabbath i was supposed to sing for a special number after Sabbath school. But somehow I timed my coming wrong (i came in late) because unlike other churches, Sabbath school at the Filipino church started at 9.30 not 10 o'clock. So i was greeted at the front door by the ever-so-forgiving Auntie Amy that kindly asked, "Oh, Andrey, where were you? I was looking for you." So she said she'll check her schedule and put me in again next time (here's the link to the original song. i bought the same track :)
You and I know that Jesus had paid the price, that we were purchased by His blood. But often times I still feel shameful of my own life. Taking on His cross, He never said it'll be an easy sail. But Jesus said help will come in time of need.
"Nevertheless I tell you the truth; It is to your advantage that I go away: for if I go not away, the Comforter will not come unto you; but if I depart, I will send Him unto you.
And when He is come, He will reprove the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment."
John 16:7,8
Here's the song of the month for me, "Whiter than Snow."
The lyrics goes...
Whiter than the snow
Purer than the clearest stream
Wash me and i'll be bathed in purity
I long to feel clean
A robe of righteousness
A robe that I could not afford
My LORD you paid the price
Your perfect sacrifice
Has covered up my shame
And so I thank you Jesus...
Some days i get discouraged of wanting to share my faith to others. If I still struggle with my own sin everyday, how do I expect to ask others to join me in this faith. But Jesus wants us to claim the Holy Spirit to guide us through this journey. To wash our robes daily with His blood, and "approach His throne of Grace boldly", to once again catch a breath in the atmosphere of heaven. So I thank you Jesus... He is my song.
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